Buccaneer V2 — Privacy On Ethereum

Buccaneer V3
4 min readSep 1, 2020


Buccaneer V2 is an ERC-contract that enables truly private and untraceable transactions on the Ethereum blockchain. True privacy means no balances show and no transactions incoming or outgoing show either. Not even the creator of Buccaneer V2 can see any transactions or wallet balances. Buccaneer V2 is fully compatible with any Ethereum contract or DEX while maintaining it’s absolute privacy. Buccaneer V2 scrambles and destroys traces constantly. The effectiveness and randomness of Buccaneer V2 grows exponentially as more addresses use and transact with BUCC as transactions change the state of the contract.

Downloading the Ethereum blockchain or real-time monitoring of the entire Ethereum network would yield no useful information. Buccaneer V2 is the only truly private method of transferring and storing value on the Ethereum blockchain, bar none.


Buccaneer V2 brings brand new technology and methods intended to throw off any analytical tool or method presently existing or even any that could exist in the future. Buccaneer V2 was designed to be used in tandem with the methods described below only. Sending transactions in any other way is not recommended as these would not be fully private.


In order to ensure privacy in the easiest way, you should always use the Bermuda API to make transactions. Bermuda requires Metamask in order to work. In order to establish a private connection between your address and the recipient address, the recipient’s address must first be added to the contract’s database. Bermuda will tell you if the recipient hasn’t been included in the contract’s database as you make a transaction.

If the recipient address hasn’t received Buccaneer V2 tokens before, the transaction will cancel and your tokens will remain in your wallet. The best way to prime the address for future use is to send it a transaction of 0 BUCC from a throw-away Ethereum address. A few block confirmations later, the recipient address will be ready to receive private Buccaneer V2 transactions from your primary Metamask wallet. In the near future, Bermuda’s code will become available for anyone to host.


In the event that Bermuda hosts are unavailable you can still make private transactions on Buccaneer V2 with Metamask alone. First, send the amount of BUCC you wish to send to the recipient to the Buccaneer V2 contract address, after that send a transaction of 0 BUCC to the recipient address. Lastly, send yourself 3 BUCC and the contract would have tumbled the transaction and sent the recipient the amount of BUCC you sent to the contract. It is important to note that the 3 transactions you make must be from the same address.

Another way of sending transactions via Metamask alone is by using trigger numbers (TN). The trigger numbers are 0.0003336 (TN3), 0.0003335(TN2) and 0.0003334(TN1). Each TN sends an assigned fraction of your wallet’s BUCC balance. TN1 sends your full balance, TN2 sends half your balance and TN3 sends a quarter of your balance. Using TN transactions is simple. First, send the TN number you wish to the Buccaneer V2 contract, after that send 0 BUCC to the recipient and lastly send 3 BUCC to yourself. As mentioned before, the contract will tumble the transaction and send the intended recipient the amount of your balance that you specified. Avoid using these TNs outside of the conditions mentioned above.


As people become more familiar with Buccaneer V2, we will release new APIs and documentation outlining how to make even more complex and private transactions in a way which can be understood.


Contract Address: 0xd5a7d515Fb8B3337ACb9B053743E0BC18f50C855

As stated above, Buccaneer V2 is the only way to privately and securely transact and store value on the Ethereum blockchain. The many breakthroughs and time spent researching that led to the formation of Buccaneer V2 make it extremely valuable. The code will stay private until a market capitalization of $500 million USD is reached and held for at least 4 weeks.

Our mission is to bring true privacy to Ethereum, making the contract code public upon release runs the risk of the Ethereum Foundation issuing a ‘fix’ to weaken the security of Buccaneer V2 before anyone gets to make use of it. We are not sure what the Ethereum Foundation could do to weaken the security of Buccaneer V2 or whether any ‘fix’ issued would wreak destruction to currently existing smart contracts or not, we don’t wish to risk it though.


There is a maximum supply of 10 million BUCC with a precision of 10 decimal places. No burn feature or minting features exist. It is important to remember that due to the fact BUCC confuses Etherscan and other diagnostics, figures such as BUCC supply may be increased as trading volume increases. For obvious reasons, stating the distribution of BUCC and how much the team and public will receive is pointless, as these things can never be verified.

Our aim is to ensure a slow steady rise to liquidity and price as time goes on. As users begin to use Buccaneer V2 and see the claims hold true, logically they will come to the conclusion that this is a project that’s here to stay. Buccaneer V2 makes no future promises of elaborate dreams that you should wait around for. Buccaneer V2 is here and working right now as described, it has already delivered.


Etherscan showing hidden and false information:

Ethplorer showing hidden and false information:


Bloxy verifies that there are no mint or burn functions, not much more can be determined.


Telegram: https://t.me/BuccaneerV2

Twitter: https://twitter.com/BuccaneerV2

Welcome to privacy.



Buccaneer V3

Ethereum’s first and only on-chain private currency.